Jennifer Lucore’s Review of Pickleball Costa Rica in All Pickleball Magazine (allpickleball.com)
(Jennifer was the instructor for our camp)
The tour organizers, Tony and Celeste Horpel live in Costa Rica and organize tours for the passionate pickleball player. Our tour included the “real” Costa Rica meaning we experienced a variety of things locals enjoy off the tourist “path”: We interacted with monkeys, iguanas and saw crocodiles, jungle cats, coatis, numerous tropical birds including toucans, macaws and parrots; hammocked on a desolate beach; and played pickleball in San Ramon’s salon and at the beach hotel with tour attendees and locals alike.
It was another pickleball adventure in the wonderful world we share – the awesome thing is wherever you go pickleball players are so similar. They were welcoming, eager to share their little piece of heaven, smile a lot and just want to play pickleball. The tour goers who we got to spend the week with were great! We shared some awesome sights, fabulous pickleball and hearty laughs. I recommend meeting up with Tony and Celeste to get both your Costa Rica culture and pickleball fix. See their Facebook Page: @pickleballcostarica.
— Jennifer Lucore, 17 time National Pickleball Champion, San Diego
To see her entire review, go to www.allpickleball.com/jennifersblog/pickleball-in-costa-rica
Thanks so much!!! We all had an awesome time!!! So many wonderful memories with these new pickler friends in Costa Rica. Tony and Celeste introduced us to the real Costa Rica!!!
— Beverly Youngren, USAPA Ambassador, San Diego, CA (from Google Survey)
“Everyone on our tour loved it! We were a good group, weren’t we? We all enjoyed each other and really enjoyed the both of you. And what a wonderful video and so generous to do that for us! It made me feel warm and happy to view it.”
— Janice G. (via email)
“Dear Tony and Celeste:
Buenos Dias! Just wanted to say thanks for being the best tour guides a girl could ever have! Costa Rica is a beautiful country. I had a wonderful time. I admire its people, culture, and enlightened ideas. The coffee’s pretty darn good too! We just have a great group of pickleball players. Everyone seems to get along and enjoy each other. Hope you both are relaxing on your patio and enjoying the sunsets! You deserve some downtime..”
— Julie N. (via email)
Tony and Celeste,
Thank you so much for hosting us on our wonderful trip to Costa Rica through Pickleball Costa Rica. We thoroughly enjoyed it and eagerly look forward to returning. A highlight of our trip was the beautiful Punta Leona Resort. There was so much to do, including the daily pickleball, which would have been impossible without you. The resort had it all, including beautiful pools and beaches, outstanding food and drink, music and dancing, comfortable accomodations, and fascinating side trip opportunities.
It is so comforting and relaxing to know that everything is taken care of with tour leaders who have great local knowledge and a fluent command of the local Spanish language. We felt completely safe and secure.
There is so much to see and do, whether or not you play pickleball. The local flora and fauna, the incredible sunsets, and the friendly people made for an unforgettable vacation. We loved it.
— Larry and Teresa A., Both are USAPA Ambassadors, Fishers, IN (via email)
Hi Celeste and Tony,
Thanks again for the great time. I really liked Costa Rica Hi there Celeste and Tony, The tour/trip was awesome. We were just at dinner with friends from Canada and Max and I had good experiences to share. I was particularly glad that Max got to go because she’s never had that kind of experience or gone anywhere but N. America. Thank you for making the trip special and so well organized. We enjoyed getting to know you. I love the video. It shows some of the wonderful sites we visited and the fun we had. It was a tribute to a beautiful country and people. Thank you for sharing and making it possible.
— Jan H. (via email)
Hi Celeste and Tony,
Thanks again for the great time. I really liked Costa Rica
Max R. (by email)
It was indeed a pleasure to get to know both you and Tony. We truly enjoyed your company. You do a great job with your tours and we hope they will continue to be successful for you.
— Jean and Bob W. (via email)
Hi Tony and Celeste,
I had a wonderful time in Costa Rica. You had everything so well organized - - an exciting experience for all of us. We are still sharing pictures and remembrances. We just have a great group of pickleball players. It's a trip we will never forget!! Thanks for the video! Brings back so many great memories. Thanks again - much love to both of you,
— Joanne M., Group Organizer (via email)
Hello Tony and Celeste, I really enjoyed my trip to Costa Rica. It was such a spontaneous impulse for me to decide to go, and I am so glad that I did. It was a really was a fun trip... a trip of a lifetime for me. It was made all the more special because of the care that you took of all of our group. It was felt, and appreciated by the whole group. I also wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed all the videos you put together. It really was a fun trip. I think fondly of you two often.
— Susan M. (via email)
Hi Tony and Celeste,
I wanted to sincerely thank both of you for leading such an amazing pickleball tour of Costa Rica. I had such a wonderful time. I loved and enjoyed all the tours. The hotels and places we dined at were all charming and delicious. I couldn’t have asked for a nicer travel experience!
You two are such patient, lively, lovely, charming and forgiving people! You are perfect for leading the tours. The weather was great and the company fun and good. I was impressed with it all. Other than finding a scorpion in our bathroom, I truly had the time of my life. I have so many fond memories of our trip. I know what you mean about being so busy and the trip going by so fast! You and Tony made it very special for all of us. And thanks also for the great video! Good times!
My friend, Joyce, had a great time. I know she is glad she went.
It was because of your knowledge, friendship and leadership that the trip was so incredible. Kudos to you both! I give you an A+++++! I wish you and Tony the best and I thank you from the bottom of my heart!
— Mary S. (via email)
Tony and Celeste,
The Costa Rica trip was my most memorable time of my life~! You and Tony made it so nice~! I thought you were so organized and every minute planned out. We all had such a wonderful time. I am still getting my pictures in order. Thank Tony for sending the ones from our trip. Such wonderful memories. You treated us all like royalty~! It's hard to put into words the gratitude I have for you both that I was able to come to Costa Rica with the Hub gang. This has truly been a trip of a lifetime. You both have made it so special! It does not feel like January!...I am giggling and smiling! May God continue to bless you and keep you. I will close, God Bless You both. You kids are the best~!
— SunnyLynne G. (via email)
I just want to thank you for our tour of Costa Rica. I thought you both did a fantastic job. We really appreciated being able to tour Costa Rica through the eyes of a local couple. We have been telling everyone in our area how great it was and encouraging them to go. It was fabulous to meet you both. Thanks so much!!! We all had an awesome time!!! So many wonderful memories with these wild and crazy picklers in Costa Rica. Tony and Celeste introduced us to the real costa rica!!!
— Laura S. (from Google Survey)
Claudia was happy with the amount of pickleball play and the amount of tours we went on and liked playing at the beach and the cool of the highlands in San Ramon. She enjoyed every place we took the group to, and liked the amount of time we played pickleball during the tour. She commented that the people of Costa Rica were wonderful and friendly, as were Tony and Celeste. We received a 5 out of 5 in Satisfaction with the tour.
— Claudia Fontana, Clinic Coach and USAPA Ambassador, Ohio (results from Google Survey)
Tony and Celeste were awesome hosts. They were constantly trying to make sure we were comfortable and enjoying ourselves. I liked that meals were included in the price of the tour. The dinners at Andy and Susan’s house were amazing. Seeing the house was a treat. I loved the pickleball instruction by Jennifer Lucore and her dad, Bob Youngren. I would definitely consider going back again.
This was sooooo much fun!
— Jacque S. (from Google Survey)
Tony and Celeste,
All the excursions were wonderful! They felt personal and the right amount of time to still play Pickleball before or after the excursions. The resort you took us to is a great place to go. Very Costa Rican environment in an All inclusive venue and I loved the monkeys, iguanas and racoons! There were many other extracurricular things to do for non-Pickleball playing partners. Playing with the locals at John's bi-level Pickleball was great! Andy's meal! Yummy!!! Andy's house! What a touch of class and friendliness. Loved it! My host and hostess! You have got to have a trained iguana that you can pick up so we can take pics! Monkey Beach!
— Carlos A., USAPA Ambassador, Columbia, SC (via email)
Tony and Celeste,
I had a great time and improved my game. Also learned much about the country. All of the tour stops were outstanding. I would like to have played a little more.
— “Anonymous” (from Google Survey)
I think you guys did a really great job. Really loved Andy and Nancy’s place and their wonderful hospitality. Thank you so much for the wonderful experience. Loved Costa Rica.
— “Anonymous” (from Google Survey)
What a great tour – it was a great mix of pickleball and getting to know Costa Rica.
— “Anonymous” (from Google Survey)
So happy I was a part of this pickleball tour in Costa Rica. Good luck in your future. Our group will always be the best.
— “Anonymous” (from Google Survey)
Tony and Celeste,
It was a great trip. The country of Costa rica is breathtaking and the hospitality of the "Ticos" is exceptional. The food is delicious. Thank you Tony and Celeste for organizing an unforgettable trip and experiencing the "real" Costa Rica. You two did a great job of organizing and showing us around. Thank you, also, to Claudia Fontana for your great teaching and drills. Costa Rica has always been on my list to visit especially with my boys' dad being a "Tico". We had such a wonderful group of people to experience the trip with. God gives us different talents and the opportunity to love on others. I look forward to seeing the photos and the video of our trip and will keep in mind about a future trip. Blessings to you both until we meet again. PURA VIDA!!!
— Yovanna M. (via email)
Hi Tony and Celeste
I had a lot of fun and feel I made some new friends! I guess I shouldn't be surprised since us pickleballers are a friendly bunch. It was wonderful to visit another country I've not been to and have heard a lot about. It was a great experience and I really enjoyed myself getting to know you both and the others on the trip. As everyone has said, it was a great trip with amazing people, instructor, and hosts. Thanks again. I wish you all the best and hopefully our paths will cross again sometime in the future.
— Kathleen T. (via email)
Hi Tony and Celeste
We had a great time and enjoyed our trip from a picklebal and a Costa Rica point of view. Our lives are enriched for having the time we spent together. Hugs to you.
— Shirley K. (via Survey)
She was happy with the amount of play and the amount of tours we took and liked both the beach and the cool weather of the highlands of San Ramon, playing pickleball in both places. She liked every place we took our group. Gave the trip a 4 out of 5 for tour satisfaction on our survey.
— Shirley K. (via email)
Tony and Celeste,
Thank you once again for the lovely time we had together in Costa Rica. It was a lot of fun and we enjoyed the activities you planned for us.
— Karen R. (via email)
Hi Tony and Celeste, We had a wonderful trip. Costa Rica is a beautiful country and I thought we had a great group of people. You both were perfect hosts.
— Robert R. (via email)
He gave us a 5 out of 5 for satisfaction on the entire tour. Satisfied with the amount of pickleball play and the amount of tours and liked playing at both the beach and the cool highlands of San Ramon. He was satisfied with all of the places we took the group.
—Robert R. (Google Survey)
Tony and Celeste, I really enjoyed the trip...such a great group of people! I enjoyed the tours in San Ramon. They really gave you the flavor of Costa Rica. I liked having two different hotels..one in the rain forest and one in the cool mountains. I would not have missed the tours in San Ramon...so much fun.
— Jane C. (via email)
Jane was happy with the amount of both pickleball play and touring, and liked staying at both the beach and the cool of the central highlands in San Ramon. There was one dinner house she didn't really care for. She gave us a score of 4 out of 5 for tour satisfaction.
— Jane C. (Google Survey)
As I was uploading my photos from my phone to computer today, I was thinking about how blessed we all were to have experienced all we did last week in Costa Rica. What an amazing week! Great hosts, instructor, and pickleball friends. Costa Rica is a tropical paradise. Thanks again for the wonderful trip and lasting memories, and for all of your preparation and planning and your passion for pickleball. Nancy and I had a blast.
— Charissa U. (via email)
Having done the trip, if she were to do it again, she would want more pickleball play..as much as possible and staying the cool highlands of San Ramon the entire time. She liked every place we brought our group, but preferred to have a bigger bus. Her comment to us was, "You two are so hospitable and tried to ensure that everyone had an enjoyable experience. I especially enjoyed the dinner at Andy and Nancy's Hacienda, the butterfly visit, monkey beach, and the coffee farm. (warn people to wear the right shoes)" Charissa gave a 4 our of 5 score for tour satisfaction.
— Charissa U. (Google Survey)
She would prefer a lot more pickleball if she were to do it again and suggested that a "pickleball boot camp" would be preferable and would want to stay the entire time at the beach. Allover feedback on the tour was, "Better accommodations, more free time, and less shuttle time." She gave a score of 3 out of 5 for satisfaction of the tour. (This was not listed as a "Boot Camp" on the website. Claudia was advertised to do "clinics" in 2 locations with travel).
— Julie P. (via Google Survey)
Dear Celeste and Tony,
The tour was wonderful! We really like the beaches and pools there; they were awesome. The buffets at P. L. and included breakfasts at the hotel were great. The wildlife, bird watching and being surrounded by nature were awesome and the Costa Rican people were too. They couldn't have been friendlier or more willing to help. They were very accommodating. The courts were very nice too. Tours were both fun and interesting. Stopping to see the town of Jaco and horseback riding at that incredibly beautiful beach were awesome. The tour to the animal rescue/reserve was very nice but we thought the family-run butterfly farm and organic coffee farm were just amazing. It really gave you an appreciation for the hard work and what people will do for a livelihood for their families. And they have such strong family values! The lunches and dinners were great but who wouldn't enjoy the evening with your pickleball friend and his wife at their beautiful home?! That was so gracious and amazing of them to host us for dinner. It was also wonderful to learn about and see the commitment Costa Rica has made to sustaining its ecology, rainforest and environment. Lastly, it was wonderful how everyone got along on the tour and really "bonded". That was exceptional and certainly we appreciated all of your hard work and effort in putting on this tour. Thank you for a great experience
— Kathleen T. and Shirley K. (via email)
Hello Tony and Celeste,
Greetings from Spokane where the weather is finally warming up. No monkeys swinging in the trees and no exotic birds chattering nearby however. I reminisce frequently and appreciate so much your thoughtful planning for this terrific and diverse adventure. I miss all that we did during our trip to Costa Rica. You made this trip worth it for all of us. Until we do it again, wishing you many good things.
Steve D.
My husband and I recently returned from a two-week trip with Costa Rican Photo Tours, one of the most interesting and memorable trips we have ever taken. Our guides, Celeste and Tony Horpel, were professional, well organized, knowledgeable about Costa Rica, fluent in Spanish and simply fun folks to travel with. Tony is an excellent photographer and videographer and very willing to share his expertise.
The sites we visited were interesting to photograph, varied and, for the most part, off the usual tourist routes. Although the trip was planned with great attention to detail, there were lots of opportunities for spontaneous photo ops such as the day we happened upon a local wrangler training his horse to “dance” for an upcoming parade. My favorite part of the tour was our 4-night stay in a lovely resort/lodge located deep in the tropical jungle where we photographed foliage, insects, macaws, parrots, toucans, coatis, peccaries and a variety of other animals.
I’d highly recommend traveling with Costa Rican Photo Tours for a personalized, rewarding photographic experience.
Jan Tenold
“When you can say ” there is not one thing you would change” after returning from a vacation, you want to let others know about it! If you are looking for the chance to soak in cross sections of Costa Rica and all that it offers, then this is the tour for you.
American-born but now locals themselves, tour guides Celeste and Tony offered us the best of the best…from where to see a great variety of birds and animals to where you can grab great food.
Their command of the language and easy- to -like personalities helped us to enjoy the local markets, the restaurants, and the friendly Costa Rican people.
The tour was planned out in detail, yet allowed for flexibility in the schedule so we could take advantage of an unexpected and delightful photo op (whether it was a town event, or a park with iguanas and monkeys, or groups of rummaging coati, colorful birds (including but not limited to those gorgeous Scarlet Macaws, or hermit crabs at night!).
The places we experienced were target rich for photos of eclectic buildings, local markets and towns with character, lush vegetation, and …oh, did we mention the variety of wild birds and animals???
Costa Rica has been on our list of adventures and we are so grateful to the Horpels for making our tour exciting as well as safe. PS It took us a LONG time to go thru our many images, but it was fun reliving the experience.”
Dora Z.